In my law practice, I see separated or divorced parents who wait for the other parent to give them information about the child. This is not a good idea, especially if that parent is trying to alienate the child from you. Go to the school and meet the teachers. Find out about all the activities from the source, not the other parent. It is the law in Oklahoma that you are entitled to the school records and medical records of your child. If you have a problem getting access directly from the provider contact the office for more information.
In 2007, a prominent business owner going through a highly contested divorce went on a trip. While he was gone, his soon to be ex-wife allegedly found child pornography on his computer. She still had access to his house and computer during the divorce process. Police were notified, and ultimately the man was arrested and charged with multiple felony counts. He spent a tremendous amount of money on computer experts (and attorneys) in his effort to prove his innocence. At the trial, he was able to show she planted the images, and got custody of his children. This took a toll on him personally and professionally. It's difficult to imagine the stress he went through after being charged with a crime of this nature. Let this be a lesson to always be on your guard. Change your passwords and be careful about your ex or estranged spouse having access to your home and computer. This actually happened in Connecticut.